Some say it’s addiction, whim, entertainment, others say it’s a distraction from problems. What if it was a way of being, a way of reflecting your own personality? Over time, there has been a lot of criticism for those who follow fashion and consider it a lifestyle. Each person has their own taste, preferences and makes their own choices. But did you know that 1/5 of the population takes a day off at the start of a sale? And why blame them for it? And by any chance surfers don’t take a day off when there are the most beautiful waves?
Because those who follow football do it with passion, who goes to exhibitions for culture, who goes to the cinema for entertainment and who follows fashion, what is it? It’s a passion, it’s a choice and a way of being. Fashion reflects a person, clothes speak of character, mood, shoes speak of style. It’s beautiful because everyone can stand out just by choosing different clothes. It is not true that those who follow fashion are superficial, those who follow fashion are passionate and, as Coco Chanel says, “fashion passes, but style remains”.
Now there are different trends, from holes in jeans, fur coats to leather jackets, to pointed nails and matted hair in sunglasses.
But what does fashion depend on? Dry answer, but it’s not obvious. From middle age onwards, ways of thinking changed with time, social contexts, and situations. Now it is the same, fashion changes depending on the time we live in, the society we find ourselves in, and above all, changes between different generations, that is, between different ways of thinking. Fashion always reflects the times it lives in, even if, when times are trivial, we prefer to forget it.
What is fashion for modern people?
If we went back to other eras, we would see completely different cities and streets. Not only because of changes in architecture. First of all, by changing … costumes. For centuries, clothes and stylizations have served various functions, including the atmosphere of a given time and society. How is it today? What is fashion for modern people? We will consider this in this article.
In the store and on the runway
It is worth starting with a short description of contemporary fashion. Since chain stores and large shopping malls emerged, clothes have become much less individual. Instead of sewing them to measure, it is enough to go to the store and choose “more or less” matching size, in the style disseminated by the brands. Does this mean that today’s people are less creative? The opposite is evidenced by the rash of fashion blogs and the popularity of so-called second-hand stores, where you can find very unique clothes. So it seems that there is a hint of a creative artist in each of them. Of course, it is most intensified by leading designers who prepare shows for brands such as Chanel, Dior, and Balenciaga. In this context, fashion is also art. The clothes presented on the catwalks are only an inspiration for everyday fashion, they are not literally transferred to the street. To understand this context of fashion, it is worth delving into its history and the characteristic features of selected designers.
A way to express yourself
One of the most important functions of fashion is the ability to express yourself, your character. This is a universal principle that does not change over the millennia. Everyone strives to create their own style in which they will feel good. Some choose more classic and elegant propositions, while others prefer colorful and surprising accessories. Although it is said that clothes do not adorn people, appearance is of great importance in many areas of life. It affects interpersonal and professional relationships (just look at the dress code). It is optimal to combine your interior with the appearance, showing your features to the world.
Business idea
It cannot be denied that fashion is also a very profitable business idea. Not only for the greatest designers we have already mentioned. Not only for the most famous models taking part in renowned shows. An example is, for example, online blogs and social networks, where many people disseminate photos of their stylizations, thus slowly expanding their recognition. Next step?